Mamelasoa is a non-profit school providing excellent learning opportunities in the rural area of Ambatofotsy Gara in Madagascar.

History of Mamelasoa

Mamelasoa is a not-for-profit high school located in a rural area, 23.3 km towards the South (RN7) from the city center Analakely of Antananarivo, Madagascar.

The school aims to provide decent education and social skills to the youths in the village regardless of their socioeconomic status.

From 2014 to 2024, 1539 students, where 31 of them did not pay fees, have been to the school. The number of students who did not pay fees during the year 2024 is 25. Out of 455 candidates to the national exams, 186 students received their diplomas. During the year 2023-2024, the school accommodated 310 students.

How do we work?

Technology & Innovation

Partnering with Local Communities

Currently, we are only using blackboard and chalk to deliver the courses. However, we intend to introduce digital learning to the learners.

For now, the school is only financed by RANAIVOMANANA Davida's family plus the fees paid by the students' parents for general management. However, we seek to apply for funding from likeminded organization and raise funds from likeminded individuals.

We only hire teachers who have the required diploma from the University to teach at the school.

The school fees is not more than 4$ per month. Since the parents don't earn much money to afford the fees we give them a period of grace to pay it. Sometimes, they can't even pay the fees but we still look for ways on how the learner can carry on learning. Some orphans in the school do not pay fees based on the income of their guardian.

Finance & Investing

We have already gained the local communities' trust and we will keep it.

Our team


Hosana holds a doctorate (PhD) in Mathematics. She grew up in Madagascar in a low-income family and underdeveloped community with limited access to basic educational supplies. She has personally experienced a lack of educational resources herself and has had to fight against poverty and cultural beliefs in order to achieve her goal. Hosana is in charge of finding key investors and partners, as well as managing the website and the language laboratory.


With a Masters degree in Agriculture, Salome understands people's living conditions given that Madagascar is agricultural. Furthermore, she has experience in leading and evaluating projects, which has sharpened her skills in logistics.


David is the owner and director of Mamelasoa High School, a great man with a heart for education and the community. Despite his lack of wealth, he founded the school with the help of his wife and his family. David grew up in a rural area, Avarabohitra, Madagascar (which is not far from Ambatofotsy) and was orphaned at a young age. He did, however, complete his study and obtained his Licence (equivalent to undergraduate degree) in Natural Sciences from the University of Antananarivo. Following his Baccalaureat, he performed National Service in the rural area of Fandriana. He has several years of experience in teaching and has taught at the public school CEG Tsararivotra, situated in Ambatofotsy Gara, Antananarivo, Madagascar. For the past 20 years, He has served as a Mayor's advisor at Ambatofotsy. Although there are several schools in the area, the majority of them do not follow the proper curriculum recommended by the Minister of Education. Therefore, many students lack a foundation when they want to further their studies. That is one of the reasons why David chose to establish Mamelasoa High School in that area.

Should you have any message or queries for Mamelasoa, please do not hesitate to fill in the form. For queries, please fill in your email address so that we can contact you.

Contact us

"Ny fianarana no lova tsara indrindra."

"Education is the best heritage."

– Malagasy saying